Illnesses such as COVID-19, when you get a severe COVID-19, the oxygen levels in the body can get low. So, in order to keep your oxygen levels at the normal range, we have to give medical oxygen. Now, when your oxygen levels are low because of a sickness such as COVID-19, the cells in the body don't have enough oxygen to do their normal function in every cell of the body requires oxygen for normal function.

So, if the oxygen levels are low, if they're low for a long time, if it's not treated, then the cells themselves stop to work well. Then, they stop to work completely and cells can actually die. So, then what you can see is that the organs start, your organs once, your organs, you know, your brain, your heart, your lungs, your kidneys all require oxygen. So, they'll start to malfunction in very extreme cases can cause death. So, again, the life saving treatment here then is medical oxygen. So, medical oxygen is taking the oxygen from the air and compressing it so that the oxygen you take in, let's say, for example, from a cylinder is that you’re now breathing in almost, you know, pure oxygen. And that is what we give patients in order to keep oxygen levels at a normal level in the body.